The following privacy policy applies to all activities undertaken by KCLC both at the centre and online
Cookies may be placed on your computer to help navigate around the site. We do not collect any personal or identifying information on our website unless you send it to us directly through a contact form or by signing up for our newsletter through the Mail Chimp form on the website.
How we use your data:
This section applies to any data collected by KCLC, including but not limited to, contact forms, in person at the centre or by telephone.
The legal basis KCLC processes your data for our legitimate interest. Where additional data may be required, we will gain your consent. KCLC works closely with some 3rd party companies in order to provide the affordable and range of services that we offer while maintaining the high quality of services and teaching we demand from ourselves and our partners. This may include working with them as partners, delivering services together, receiving funding to deliver services or through them using our facilities to deliver their services.
We store personal information and may share information with our partners/funders in order to provide the requested services. Data will be held for up to 2 years after last engagement with services. After this data will be archived for statistical purposes in compliance with funder requirements before deletion.
Your rights
You have the right to request:
- information about how your personal data is processed
- a copy of that personal data
- that anything inaccurate in your personal data is corrected immediately
You can also:
- raise an objection about how your personal data is processed
- request that your personal data is erased if there is no longer a justification for it
- ask that the processing of your personal data is restricted in certain circumstances
If you would like to see what information KCLC holds for you or have it deleted this request needs to be done in writing by either writing to us at 291-299 Kensington, Liverpool, L7 2RG or email
Computer Usage
The computers available for use at the centre, including the drop in computer and those in the training rooms are accessible by students and visitors to the centre. Any documents or information saved by students or visitors may be visible to others. Although measures are in place on the computers to delete downloaded files regularly it is up to the user to ensure that accounts are logged out and any information or files placed on the computer have been deleted after use. Help is available if you are not sure how to do this.
You can make a complaint to the Information Commissioner, who is an independent regulator.
Information Commissioner
Telephone: 0303 123 1113
Textphone: 01625 545860
Monday to Friday, 9am to 4:30pm
Information Commissioner's Office
Wycliffe House
Water Lane
Cheshire SK9 5AF
Updated April 2022